RSVP Deadline: July 26, 2021 (limited seating) **It is now closed & we are full!
The Washington County Diabetic Youth Association is happy to be sponsoring the Kokopelli Club House Day Camp for diabetic children between the ages of 6 and 10 (for the Washington County & Surrounding areas ONLY).
The purpose of this camp is for diabetic children to meet other children with diabetes, promote healthy living, and to have FUN! We will have games, food, arts and crafts and then attend the play “Beauty & The Beast.”
This will be held on Thursday Aug 5, 2021.
Drop off: 6:00 pm at Vista Elementary, 585 E Center St, Ivins, UT 84738 (Front Entrance)
Pick up: 11:30 pm at Tuacahn Center For the Arts, 1100 Tuacahn Dr, Ivins, UT 84738 (Front Entrance)
